These are not in any particular order because...I just can't. I love them all equally and would hate to hurt their feelings by picking favorites.
You know, I said I didn't put these in order but this trilogy deserves the top honors. These are not just my favorites of 2011 but up there with my favorite reads of all time. I absolutely LOVED these books. The first is Knife of Never Letting Go, second is The Ask and The Answer, and finally Monsters of Men. I must mention that I listened to these in audiobook format and the narrators are INCREDIBLE. I was so wrapped up in these characters and their struggles that I literally couldn't do anything without my headphones in. Detailed reviews of all three will be coming soon because I am determined to get these books a bigger following :)

2. Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
This book is full of amazingness, if you haven't read it yet do it now. The writing is so lush and descriptive, you really feel as though you are a part of the story. I could picture myself walking down the streets of the town so easily. Solid characters, strong family bonds, a bit of romance, horses, and epic adventure - SOLD!
3. Blood Red Road by Moira Young
This book completely took me by surprise. Going into it, I didn't think it was for me but boy was I wrong. This book slayed me! It was so intense and different than anything I've read. I absolutely adored Saba and her stubborness. Her journey was full of twists and turns I didn't see coming and a very satisfying ending. I hear there are sequels in the works (YAY!), but this could certainly stand on its own. The writing style is different and at first a little bit of an adjustment but stick with it! It's so incredibly worth it.
4. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
This book is so beautifully written, it's difficult to take at times. It is heartbreaking and moving. It's unique in that its like a puzzle that you don't get all the pieces to until the end. Throughout most of the book I couldnt connect the two storylines and although it frustrated me, it was too captivating to stop reading. This is the first of Marchetta's books that I have read and I believe she has two others out which I know I will be reading in the near future.
5. Divergent by Veronica Roth
This book is such a solid example of my favorite type of read - strong badass female character, hope in dark times, rebellion, a touch of romance, dystopian society. This book is intense and the author holds nothing back, nobody is safe and that makes for a thrilling ride. This one has been touted as "the next Hunger Games" and I can see the comparisons but the plotlines and characters are very different and unique to this story. Tris and Four are kickass, check this one out!
Ok, I need to stop being stubborn and read Scorpio Races. I don't know why I'm so hesitant on reading that book but I'll finally give in one of these days. I completely agree with all of your book choices but since I haven't read Scorpio or Jellicoe Road I'll switch those titles with two of my favorites from this year.
ReplyDeleteThe Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The Book Thief is a beautifully written book narrated by Death himself. It has a somber tone throughout the novel because it takes place in Germany during World War II but the main characters love for reading books and the journey it takes her on makes this an unforgettable story.
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
The Help surprised me by how quickly I consumed it. I couldn't put it down because I had to find out what was going to happen to these brave women. This book will make you laugh, cry, cringe and most of all reflect on the way things were such a short time ago.
I'll make a deal with you Mal, you read my two and I'll read yours. haha
ok, you're on. My only stipulation to this plan is you must review both of those books on this blog after you have read them. And I will do the same :)